Stimulating Adaptive Expertise

Most individuals chose to attend higher education institutes to set the foundation for becoming an expert. Educational institutions are set up to help individuals achieve this aim. Much expertise development literature focuses on the development of ‘pattern recognition’ as the main path towards expertise. Individuals can make use of various extensively researched activities to achieve…

Chaos in Expertise Research

This is a follow-up on my first post “What is adaptive expertise”. It’s a try to organize my thoughts about expertise research, see what it is all about, and where does adaptive expertise fit into it. I struggled with that question while writing my review study, struggled even more after a couple of short talks…

What is Adaptive Expertise

When I came across the term Adaptive Expertise  while writing my PhD research proposal, I thought “yes, that’s it.” So I digged deeper trying to find the article in which the term was originally termed. Hatano and Inagaki (1986) came up with it after their observations. A very good description of Adaptive expertise, related to…